Key Information
Welcome to Richmond Avenue Primary School
We hope you enjoy your visit and find what you are looking for.
We are very proud of all our pupils, staff and governors. We believe that every child is special and has the right to fulfil his or her potential without fear or prejudice in a safe and caring environment.
Our aim is to create a rich learning environment enabling every pupil to fulfil his or her potential. We are committed to the highest possible educational standards and a matching concern for the personal growth and development of each pupil here. Every parent has the right to expect this and the responsibility to support the school in achieving it.
We offer a wide range of extra curricular activities and clubs, and work very closely with various different projects in the local community. Our school is part of SECAT (Southend East Community Academy Trust) and we work together to ensure we are offering the best provision and quality of teaching and learning for all pupils across Shoeburyness.