Pupil Premium
We are a two form entry school in the heart of Shoeburyness. Richmond Avenue Primary and Nursery school catchment area is in the 50%th centile of deprivation in the country, therefore an 'average' school according to the multiple deprivation index for the area. However, the school also falls in the 30th % most deprived for Income Deprivation affecting children index.
Currently 22% of our school pupils are eligible for Pupil Premium grant, just below the National average of 25% of primary pupils being eligible. We are continually working to improve the outcomes for all of our children, including those who are disadvantaged.
This is down to tried and tested ways that we support the children and their families that are specific for our cohort of children. We are aware of a range of barriers to learning that our pupils may need support with and are well equipped to deal with these in the best possible way.
The Pupil Premium is a government grant funding and is in addition to the School’s Delegated Budget. It was established by the government to address the inequalities between pupils from deprived backgrounds. It is allocated according to the number of children on roll who are eligible for free school meals at any time in the last six years, who have been Looked After for more than six months, who are adopted or who have a parent in one of the armed forces.
It is up to the school to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent however, we must demonstrate that we are using it effectively to narrow the achievement gap. At Richmond Avenue Primary and Nursery School, Pupil Premium funding is used to raise attainment as well as promoting social skills, independent learning and positive behaviour. At Richmond Avenue Primary and Nursery School we believe that every child should be supported to succeed no matter what their background and we use the Pupil Premium funding to achieve this.