In School Events
Please use this page to read copies of letters that are sent home over the year, just click on the links below to open the letter you want to read.
For the latest letters / Newsletters, please click on the links at the bottom of this page.
For other news and information, click here to see photos of events and activities going on in school.
Attendance Matters
Look out for and read the latest school newsletter to help you in ensuring your child is in school every day.
Challenge Days
Throughout the year (each half term) we have school wide challenge days where children work with differnt teachers and pupils across the school. Examples of some of the fun we've already had this year can be seen below...
Fitness day -
Christmas Tree Class Challenge -
Kindness Week
Multicultural Week
Across the school, children have been learning about different cultures, countries and religions. The special week ended with children getting to 'travel the world' in their house teams and visit and learn about a range of different cultures.
Kindness Week
Across the school, children and staff have had a special focus on being kind and looking out for our friends and family. The week began with odd socks day when we celebrated being different.
Black History Month
Over the month of October, children across the school are learning about different famous people and why they are famous.
Each year group has a focus person:
- Y6 – Baroness Floella Benjamin
- Y5 – Claudia Jones
- Y4 – Benjamin Zephaniah
- Y3 – Marcus Rashford
- Y2 – Mo Farah
- Y1 – Dina Asher Smith
- EYFS – Joe Clough - click here to read the Nursery newsletter and their bus creations!
At the end of the month, they will be sharing what they have learned with others across the school.
(Stay tuned on Twitter @RichmondPri to see all that we have been learning)
Enterprise Week
Well done to all the children (and staff) across the school who worked so hard during enterprise week to plan, design, make and then sale such an amazing range of eco-friendly items. Many of the things created used recycled/repurposed materials ensuring that the children also earned about the importance of looking after our local environment and planet. we are very proud of you all!
Fitness Fun Day
At the end of September, children across the school joined in our school-wide challenge morning, taking part in a range of fitness activities with friends and children from across classes and year groups in the school.
Marathon Challenge:
After a week of walking, running, jogging and persevering, children across the school completed their mini-marathon run in style.
Other news... SNOW Provision:
In the event of disruption caused by heavy snow, the prime concern of the Trust is to always ensure the safety of the pupils and staff in our schools.
However, if the weather is not serious enough to close a school and the school remains open, the decision whether or not to send a pupil to school must be at the discretion of the parents. However, the expectation is that pupils who live within walking distance should attend.
The Trust’s aim is for the schools to remain open in the event of snow.
However, there are certain factors which may lead to any or all of our schools closing, such as whether:
- enough staff are able to journey to and from school safely in order to provide safe care for the children;
- the severity of the weather conditions is such that it is unlikely that sufficient senior staff are able to get into school to open safely;
- the school has sufficient heating, lighting and hot water to function appropriately;
- the school can provide lunch for the children;
- following an assessment of the site, the school grounds are considered safe for children, parents and staff;
- external agencies, e.g. police, local government, motoring organisations, etc. are advising against school travel in our area.
If any of our schools are to be closed we will declare this a ‘Snow Day’ and will send a communication (whichever way each school normally does) as soon as possible and normally by 7.30am on the day. The school/s will also notify parents via the website and school app as well as by the local radio stations’ announcements.
In the current pandemic, we have excellent remote learning provision already in place. This will automatically be accessed by pupils who are normally in school at this time, but who are not able to because of the school closure or their parents/carers exercise their right to keep them at home.
We will update our website: normally by 7:30am on the day to provide information to parents/carers to inform them whether the school will be open or closed in the event of a snow or school closure day. The school will also notify parents via the local radio announcements: Heart FM / Essex Radio as soon as possible and normally by 7:30am.
If you have any further questions or queries, please email:
Best Wishes,
Miss Moneypenny