Preparing your child for Reception
Preparing your child to join in Reception
Being a parent is not an easy task, and preparing your child for the start of their time at primary school can be quite daunting! Children develop at different paces and will have faster and slower stages of development. This is completely natural and something you should expect.
As a guide for how to best support your child prepare for the start of their primary education, we hope you find the Starting Reception guide below informative and helpful. They are broken down into four different categories, along with linked skills.
Growing independence
Taking care of themselves
- Putting on/taking off their coat and shoes.
- Using the toilet and washing their hands.
- Getting dressed with little help; for example, after using the toilet or doing PE.
- Using cutlery (e.g. fork and spoon, chopsticks) and drinking from an open cup.
- Spending time away from parents learning they can be looked after by caring adults.
Play, creativity and curiosity
- Taking part in imaginative play (e.g. role play).
- Drawing, painting, colouring and sticking.
- Sharing story books with caregivers, looking at pictures and talking about the characters.
- Exploring the world around them (e.g. looking closely at the natural world or playing safely with objects at home)
Building relationships and communicating
Being with others
- Practising sharing and taking turns with toys.
- Talking about how they are feeling and why. Looking at story books together and speaking about what characters are feeling is a good way to do this.
- Beginning to recognise what others are feeling (e.g. understanding if a friend is sad).
- Encouraging children to set boundaries for themselves and others (e.g. knowing how to say “no”)
Communication and language
- Singing along with songs and nursery rhymes.
- Talking happily to others about activities, experiences and the world around them.
- Showing they need help by speaking clearly (in basic English or sign language).
- Recognising the pattern of their name (so they can find it on their coat peg or jacket).
Listening and engaging
- Paying attention for short periods of time.
- Listening to and following simple instructions.
- Carrying on with a task even when it’s difficult, and bouncing back if things go wrong.
Physical development
Getting moving for at least three hours a day.
- Walking up and down steps (one foot at a time, using the wall for support).
- Climbing, running, jumping and playing.
- Catching a large ball (most of the time).
- Doing simple puzzles and craft activities, strengthening their grip with cutting and sticking.
Healthy routines
- Going to bed around the same time each night, and waking up in time to get ready for school.
- Limiting screen time to the recommended daily amounts.
- Eating a healthy diet and trying new foods.
- Brushing their teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day (parents will need to supervise this until the child is at least 7).
Should you need any support with any aspects of this guide or wish to discuss this further, please do contact us; we are keen to help where we can!
The organisations behind the Starting Reception definition of school readiness:
ArkStart, Big Education, Busy Bees, Collective Futures, Confederation of School Trusts, Dingley’s Promise, Early Years Alliance, EasyPeasy, Eric, ISOS Partnership, LEYF, National Day Nurseries Association, PACEY, Parentkind, REAch2, Tiney