Maths at RAPs
At Richmond Avenue Primary School and Nursery we work to ensure all children have a wide range of interesting and engaging learning opportunities to help then develop their maths skills.
We teach maths with the fundamental aim that children will develop a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject, as well as gain the understanding that being able to reason mathematically is going to be a life-long skill that they will use as a foundation to understanding the world.
Through our curriculum in maths, we aim to maximise the potential for all learners to succeed by teaching using a kinaesthetic approach, working through using the concrete, pictorial and abstract method of teaching. From reception through to year six, the teachers use the White Rose Hub scheme of work to inform their planning, utilising the resources to suit the needs of the children.
As a school we have worked together to write curriculum overviews that the teachers use to plan their lessons. These have allowed staff to outline the maths taught across each year group as well as plan how maths can be taught cross-curricular and incorporated into other subjects within the curriculum, such as exploring the use of maps in geography and using timelines to understand a significant period of time within history. Teaching using this cross-curricular method allows children to develop their application of higher order thinking skills and apply and recall their knowledge within real-life situations.
In EYFS, Children get the opportunity to develop and experience basic maths skills through both continuos provision activities and regular teacher input. From Key stage One through to Key stage Two in the autumn term, teachers focus on delivering lessons centred around children learning the basic concepts within place value, with the philosophy that children need to have developed a secure knowledge of this within this first term before being introduced to additional concepts. As we move into the spring term, teachers use their professional judgement to assess whether children are ready to progress onto applying their knowledge of basic skills to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication.
Year 4 - National Times Tables Assessments
In the summer of year four, all pupils undertake an online 'Multiplication Tables Check'.
This is an individual times tables assessment of randomly selected questions for each child to assess their knowledge and recall of the times tables up to 12x12. TO support your children in preparation for this assessment, pupils across the school have login access to Times Tables Rockstars and year 4 pupils are provided additional learning ideas via BRomCom, MCAS.
The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.
A parent guide for further information on this assessment is available at the bottom of the page.