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LKS2 - Years 3 & 4

Year 3 Curriculum 

Over the school year, the children work on different themes / topics each half term based on a class text. 

If you'd like any further information on the school curriculum / your child's learning, please just speak to their class teacher or contact the school office. 


Below is a summary of the themes and books that Year 3 will be looking at this year: 


Autumn 1

Autumn 2 

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


Year 3

New Beginnings (x2wks)

Stone Age

Iron Age

Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt

The world of peculiar plants 

Dangerous foilage

Perfect Plants



New Year, New Beginnings

Stig of the Dump

Iron Man

How to wash a Wooly Mammoth


Egyptian Goddess

A mummy ate my homework

The boy who grew a dragon

Plants (N/F) 


A snapshot of year three... 

In Year Three, our pupils will continue to read high quality texts such as Stone Age Boy, Iron Man, A mummy ate my homework and the boy who grew a dragon. With our thematic approach to learning there will be as many creative, cross-curricular links as possible. For example, we link all our writing to the whole class text so in Autumn term the children will write a narrative linked to Stone Age Boy and create some wonderful acrostic poetry.

Their language will be developed by finding out about different rocks and soils in science and all their artwork will be looking at Stone Age wall paintings.

This exciting, cross-curricular learning takes place throughout the school year, and it allows our pupils to be fully immersed in their learning and be motivated to enjoy all their learning. This will further be enhanced by visitors coming into our classrooms and educational visits to the beach and to Hyde Hall as part of our science topic on plants. 


Year 4 Curriculum 

Over the school year, the children work on different themes / topics each half term based on a class text. 

If you'd like any further information on the school curriculum / your child's learning, please just speak to their class teacher or contact the school office. 

Below is a summary of the themes and books that Year 4 will be looking at this year: 



Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Year 4

New Beginnings (x2wks)



Myths and Legends

Ancient Greece





The Firework Maker’s Daughter



Myths and Legends - Morpurgo

Varjak Paw 

Where the forest meets the sea 

The Tin Forest

Escape From Pompeii

A snapshot of year four... 

In Year 4, alongside developing our abilities to write longer pieces, begin to infer meaning from ever more complex texts and completing our knowledge of the times tables, children build on their previous historical knowledge to understand more about the ancient Roman and Greek civilisations and answer the question: ‘what did they ever do for us?’ Within this we read a great book called “Survivor” and get the opportunity to taste a variety of Greek foods.

We get creative in design and technology with our ‘Bridges’ unit where we will develop the children’s understanding of secure structures and introduce them to measuring, sawing, and joining wood accurately. After learning about different types of bridges and exploring how shape affects the strength of structures, children create their own wooden bridge and test its durability.

In food technology, we design and make our own healthy fruit smoothies which also links to PSHE topic of healthy living and balanced diet.

Throughout the year, children will be given the opportunity to learn to play a variety of instruments in music such as the keyboard and the glockenspiel and partake in a number of physical education topics such as Indonesian dance, football, cross country and gymnastics.